There is a #covid-reports channel in the WELCOME AND HELPDESK category of the NESFA and Boskone discord for COVID reports *. Future reports will continue to go in that channel as well as here in the Boskone Blog.
The Discord channel or Boskone 61 ( has received the following positive Covid reports from Boskone 61 members:
Case A, February 12, 2024:
I interacted with him during the Igs; both of us were wearing masks. I tested negative this [yesterday] morning.
Case B, February 13, 2024:
The Boskone member said:
Just want to report that I tested positive for covid yesterday. My best guess is that I picked it up some time on Friday. I was at the Speculative Evolution and Appeal of Unappealing Characters panels, and I spent a decent amount of time in the dealers room and art show. I was masked for all of those, but I spent time unmasked in the bar both Friday and Saturday.
Case D, February 14, 2024
Boskone member mostly in Harbor 1, with some time in the Staff Den, and Independence Boardroom, followed by some time during setup for the Reading Area. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, had breakfast in the Hotel Restaurant. Saturday and Sunday with various techs.
Case E, February 15, 2024
James Reynolds reported:
I’ve had a bad runny nose and fatigue since Monday evening. I just tested positive.
I spent most of my time in the Art Show and the Dealers room, dinners at O’Connors.
Today (Feb 16) he reported that his roommate, Jane Sibley, tested negative.
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