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February 14-16, 2025 — Westin Boston Seaport District


The Boskone Dealers Room provides a varied shopping experience. Our attendees are fans of science fiction and fantasy, but we also have readers of literary hard science fiction, writers in the genre, and science enthusiasts.

DEALERS ROOM FAQ – Please read this FAQ if you are interested in being a dealer at Boskone. You will be expected to abide by the information and rules presented here if you apply and are accepted into the Dealers Room as a Boskone vendor. You will be further required to be compliant with Boskone’s Code of Conduct. Please note that this FAQ is a living document and will be updated periodically to reflect new information and deadlines. Check here first!

Where and when is Boskone 62?

Boskone 62 is being held at The Westin Boston Seaport District in Boston, MA from February 14-16, 2025.

How do I start my application to be a vendor?

You may apply for tables in the Dealers Room via the link provided at the end of this FAQ. Please do not skip ahead to start your application until you have read this FAQ entirely!

If I have questions about Dealer stuff who do I talk to?

Boskone’s Dealers Room coordinator can be reached at

What are the size of the spaces and what will space cost?

Boskone will have tables available for dealers and the rate is $70 per table. Tables are 6’ x 2.5’ and come with 2 chairs and 1 tablecloth. If you have specific needs for behind-table space please note that in your application where prompted along with any access requests. We will do our best to fulfill them. Note: If you have access needs, please also be sure to contact Boskone Access at to ensure that you are on their radar.

Boskone uses a 3-tier rate structure for space in the Dealer Room. The tiers are:

  • Tier A, $40 per table. Low-priced books (no more than ½ cover price or $6), magazines and fanzines.
  • Tier B, $70 per table. All other SF/F books, magazines, fan publications, filk materials and related art (2D).
  • Tier C, $100 per table. All other merchandise. This includes jewelry, clothing, sculpture, buttons, games and gaming supplies.

When filling out your application select your tier(s) rate appropriately. If you have mixed merchandise (e.g. t-shirts and books), please calculate how much space each category takes up and purchase accordingly. If you have only a very small amount of merchandise (less than 10% of your total space) you do not need to include it when pricing (but please mention it in your application). If you have a dizzying variety of merchandise price your space as Tier 3. If you have questions or concerns please email for assistance.

Do the tables come with memberships?

Tables do not come with memberships and Boskone memberships must be purchased as a separate item when you pay for your space (it’s easy). Everyone who is in the Dealers Room after 5 PM on Friday until the end of Boskone must have a membership. There are NO exceptions. You may bring assistants for move in PRIOR to opening and move out AFTER closing without purchasing memberships for them but please plan to have them leave when the con opens to attendees. There is a special membership rate for dealers and you will be able to select that rate when you pay for your tables. If you do not receive table space(s) your membership(s) will be refunded upon request.

Adult memberships are $60 until mid-January. Child (ages 5-17) and Young Adult (ages 18-25) are available; kids-in-tow are free.

What does the Commonwealth of Massachusetts require from me to be a dealer at Boskone?

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires you to be registered with MassTaxConnect and to have a business registration. Please bring a copy of your business registration or your Certificate Of Good Standing to the convention. If you do not already have one you may apply for one here: Business registration is free online and usually processes within 24 hours, but delays are possible. Please do not put off requesting your Certificate once your space is granted since you will need it to sell goods at Boskone. Currently Massachusetts has a 6.25% sales tax on all items except clothing, dated material (magazines), and food.

What will the hours of the Dealers Room be at con?

Friday: 4:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sunday: 10:00 am – 3:00 pm



  • Dealer Only Access 10 AM – 5 PM
  • Open to non-badge holders 5 PM–6 PM
  • Open to Members 5 PM – 8 PM
  • Dealer Only Access 8 PM– 8:30 PM


  • Dealer Only Access 9 AM – 10 AM
  • Open to Members 10 AM – 6 PM
  • Dealer Only Access 6 PM– 6:30 PM


  • Dealer Only Access 9 AM – 10 AM
  • Open to Members 10 AM – 3 PM
  • Tear Down 3 PM – 8 PM

When do applications close and when do acceptances go out?

Applications will close December 31, 2024. Acceptances will go out on or about January 10, 2025. We require full payment to accompany applications and acceptance into the Boskone Dealers Room is contingent on payment. All acceptances are at the discretion of the Dealers Room Coordinators and if you are not accepted (most likely because we sold out) you will be offered space on the waitlist or a refund as you specify in your application.

I can’t make it but I have a friend who can take my space. Can they just come instead of me?

No. Subletting is not permitted. Tell your friend to apply via the website form. If they are accepted we will refund your payment or allow a transfer but it must go through our system. If we have a waiting list, they may not be given your space.

Will there be electricity and will it cost extra?

Yes and no. Electricity will be provided by the hotel as part of the cost of the space. Plan to use UL listed devices only with your electrical drop. While we have some supplies please bring your own extension cords and gaffer tape to secure electrical cords. You are not guaranteed a wall space where outlets are and you will not be permitted to run extension cords across aisles without taping them down. If you have specific electrical needs, please be sure to list them in your application so that we can include your needs into our layout.

Will there be Internet connectivity in the Dealers Room and what will it cost?

The hotel provides free Internet in the lobby. Meeting room coverage is spotty. Boskone is pleased to provide the staff wi-fi code to dealers for their use. If you require Internet connectivity to conduct business please let us know at con.

I need a hotel room for Boskone. Is there anything I should know about reserving one?

Table space does NOT guarantee a hotel room. The hotel room block sells out every year and we recommend you make your reservation ASAP in order to secure a room. Please make your hotel room reservation here: We expect reservations to open November 1, 2024.

I need parking while I’m at Boskone. What are my options?

Parking is currently $54/day for valet at the Westin or $44/day for self-parking. The parking rates are subject to change. Vehicle height is limited to 6 feet at the Westin. There is less expensive parking in satellite lots nearby including outdoor lots with no height limits. You may also be able to find metered on-street parking which is free after 8:00 pm on Friday and Saturday (provided there is no snow emergency in effect).

I would like to ship my merchandise to Boskone. Is this possible?

Boskone is unable to take delivery of your shipments. You can ship your merchandise directly to the hotel, but the Westin charges a premium for receiving packages that must be paid before they release your shipment to you. If you have a local contact who can receive shipments for you, that may be your best option.

Link to application: Thanks for being interested in Boskone 62!

Applications will not be considered unless accompanied by full payment for tables.

If you have any remaining questions about this FAQ or the Boskone Dealers Room, please contact us at

Boskone 60 Dealer Room Application is here: