Boskone 62 Participants

Guest of Honor: Jasper Fforde
Official Artist: Theresa Mather
Special Guest: Kelley Armstrong
Musical Guest: Madison Metricula Roberts
Hal Clement Science Speaker: Heather Preston
Program Participants
as of 2/1/2025
Cory Doctorow will only be at Boskone from 4-5pm on Friday, February 14, presenting his new novel, Picks and Shovels, the next Martin Hench novel, with a lecture, a reading and a Q&A.
Brad Abraham Allison Hartman Adams Colin Alexander Kevin Allen E. C. Ambrose Scott H. Andrews Kelley Armstrong E. J. Barnes Elizabeth Bear Joshua Bilmes Eric Bornstein Steven D. Brewer Joni Brill Dashoff, FN Laurence Raphael Brothers Rebecca Brumberger Ginjer Buchanan Derek Buzasi Rob Cameron James L. Cambias Melissa Caruso Jeffrey A. Carver David Cherepov Chad Childers Laura Ciporen Neil Clarke LJ Cohen Angela Collier Br. Guy Consolmagno SJ C. S. E. Cooney Ethan Cox F. Brett Cox Tammy Coxen Maria Daggett David D’Antonio Gillian Daniels Ellen Datlow M. C. DeMarco Vincent DiFate Vincent Docherty, FN Kielan Donahue Jan Dumas Tom Easton Bob Eggleton, FN Gary Ehrlich Martin Elvis Cecilia Eng Mae Ensley-Field Kacey Ezell Gregory Feeley Sara Felix Jasper Fforde Jeffrey Ford Janice Gelb Denise A. Gendron David Gerrold Greer Gilman |
Anabel Graetz Catherine Grant Michael Green Jr R.W.W. Greene David G. Grubbs, FN Auston Habershaw Elektra Hammond Jack M. Haringa Jeff Hecht Carlos Hernandez Lisa Hertel Karen Heuler Kerri Hilton Naomi Hinchen Rich Horton Chris Howard Clark Huggins Jon Hunt Alexander Jablokov James Nicholas Kaufmann Jeff Keller James Patrick Kelly Stephen P. Kelner, Jr. Daniel M. Kimmel Kludge Dr. Christopher Kovacs Ellen Kranzer Matthew Kressel Andrea Kriz Amy Kucharik Tris Lawrence Fonda Lee Madeline Lee Allison Lewis Scott Lynch Shahid Mahmud Jim Mann, FN Laurie Mann Darlene Marshall Marianna Martin PhD Theresa Mather James Maxwell Michael McAfee Patricia McCracken Gary McGath Kevin McLaughlin Liz McLelland Chris Merkel Lissa Michalak Juliana Spink Mills Miss Information Dan Moren Bryce Moore Sarah Morrison John P. Murphy |
Graham Nadel Brenda Noiseux Anne E. G. Nydam Charles Oberndorf Mark L. Olson Troy Osgood Suzanne Palmer peacefrog Leigh Perry/Toni LP Kelner Marianne Plumridge steven popkes Heather Preston Professor Necrosis Madison Metricula Roberts Roberta Rogow Sharon Sbarsky, FN Bruce Schneier Darrell Schweitzer Catherine Scully Stephanie Shields Alex Shvartsman Steven H Silver Sarah Smith Melinda M. Snodgrass J. Michael Squatrito, Jr. Corwin Stauff Ed Stauff Allen M. Steele Adam Stemple Romie Stott Ian Randal Strock Geri Sullivan, FN Michael Swanwick N. T. Swift Tim Szczesuil, FN Christine Taylor-Butler Taylored ACRO D. H. Timpko K. Tornheim Paul G. Tremblay Erin Underwood, FN Stephan Ward Peggi Warner-Lalonde MaryEllen Wessels (Mew) Nightwing Whitehead Robert Wiener W. B. J. Williams James Willis Gregory Wilson Marisa Wolf Trisha J. Wooldridge Frank Wu Stephen York Jim Zaccaria Zintlion |
Please check back for updates.
If you have any questions about programming or participation, please contact the Boskone Program Team via email at