Boskone 62 Program
- Interactive Schedule (click to view)
- Static Schedule (click to view)
Don’t forget to use the refresh button on your browser to get the most up-to-date version of the schedule.
Late Changes – Boskone 62 Program. These changes have been updated for the online schedule, but occurred after the Pocket Program was printed.
View the list of program participants to see who are planning come to Boskone 62.
View Boskone’s Policies page to familiarize yourself with convention expectations, such as the Covid Vaccination & Mask Policy.
Kaffeeklatsches are only available in person and require sign-up in advance at the Program Ops on the Upper Level near Registration. Space is limited to 10 seats per session and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. You must be present to sign up and may only sign up for yourself.
Sign-ups will be available on a rolling basis according to the schedule below:
- Friday Sessions – no kaffeeklatsches are scheduled on Friday
- Saturday Sessions – signups are available Friday at 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
- Sunday Sessions – signups are available Saturday at 10:00 am until full up
Register to Attend!
Buy your Boskone 62 membership today, and don’t miss a moment of fun at this year’s convention.
If you have program-related questions, please contact us at